About Me

My name is Mikaela Foxworthy,
I've set up this blog to share with you, my food fascinations, creations and findings.

I'd like to be able to share the importance of eating REAL food and show how easy it is to do. This blog isn't about how many chia seeds you can get stuck in your teeth before you finish the next paragraph or about how great goji berries are (although they do make an appearance), it's about sharing some simple things that i love and make with love.

I'm not a nutritionist, nor do i have a phd in any fancy health science, but i am an advocate for living well and sustainably and i have an enormous passion for food and the good it can do.

'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.' - Hipocrates

I hope this blog reflects that.

Feel free to contact me at mikaela.foxworthy@gmail.com
follow me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/dertischblog
on Instagram @dertischblog 

Enjoy, Mikaela